Weeks 13, 14, 15: Partial Fail – Reboot
You know that whole “I’m going hard core 811rv with zero exceptions for 30 days” thing?
Yeah, so that didn’t happen …
Here’s what did, and what I learned:
Week 13 Progress:
- no sugar
- no alcohol
- 17 – 811rv meals
- 3 – cooked vegan meals
- 1 – cooked meat meal
- some vegan junk food on a poker night with friends
Week 14 Progress:
- no sugar
- no alcohol
- 18 – 811rv meals
- 3 – cooked vegan meals
Week 15 Progress:
- no sugar
- no alcohol
- 17 – 811rv meal
- 3 – cooked vegan meals
- 1 – cooked meat meal
What I Learned:
- Adding the extra constraint of going 100% 811rv has made the primary task of cutting out all sugar and alcohol super easy. Some say shooting for a goal higher than your actual goal makes the attainment of your actual goal easier. As with all business-advice-self-help-platitude b.s. there’s some truth to that and some nonsense.
- After every non-811rv food experience I inevitably felt pretty crappy – either immediately after or the next day. Psychological? Who knows … but the correlation was consistent.
So, what now? Well, I think this “go 100% no matter what” thing is way too stressful. One may argue that in the initial stage of establishing a habit 100% compliance is critical. Maybe … Either way, I’m still generally on track and the act of observing the impact of non-811rv food is having the desired effect: I want non-811rv food less and less.
And beginning this week, I am going to add a new element to this process: public tracking charts. I’m going to start including a tracking chart of my water consumption with each update. After 30 days I may throw in another chart … and then another. Let’s see how it goes. Here’s my current water consumption to start …
(click on the chart for numbers and dates)